

Passionate about your Success!



Hi, I’m

Patrick J Tierney

Sales Trainer and founder of StopSellingNow.com.

From Ireland to Massachusetts

Growing up abroad has given me an incredible set of skills. I am very fortunate to have lived and worked on three continents (Europe, Australia, and North America). My sales philosophy as a result is heavily influenced by these experiences.

At stopsellingnow our aim is NOT to serve everybody in the sales industry. Some sales experts in an attempt to appeal to everyone can only offer generic solutions laced with platitudes.

We believe to make a lasting impact you have to go deep by focusing on your area of expertise. I was an inbound sales rep for eleven years. I have six years of in-depth sales training and coaching experience. My expertise lies in B2C:

Inbound Sales: Four stages of a call, Scripting, One Call Close Best Practices, Upsells, Handling Objections

Full Cycle Sales: Outbound Leads, Building a Book of Business, Post-Sale Follow Up

Sales Training & Coaching: For Teams and Individuals

Before contacting us click on Learn More to make sure we are the right fit.

Road Less Traveled

I grew up in Ireland, spent one year touring Europe and North America in a musical show, lived in Australia for a year before finally calling Massachusetts my home.

The experience of having lived and worked on three continents exposed me to the nuances of cross-cultural psychology.

My deep interest in psychology and human behavior has served me well throughout my sales career. A Powerful lesson I’ve learned along the way is a key corner stone to achieving sales mastery…

High performers are not born.They are developed.