A new approach for improving your Sales KPIs! Imagine if I showed up at your company to give a Sales Training and I began with asking..."What is your health and wellness routine?"This is not a typical question asked at most sales training seminars.But why not?Asking better questions challenges us to think differently.Successful people ask better questions,and as a result ,they get better answers-Tony Robbins.Recently I have started to think more about the connection between sales performance and a health & wellness routine.Over the last few years I have experienced major growth in my own sales career.Of course there are many reasons for this, but a major pillar for this growth has been a focus on my own health & wellness.We all know that eating well is a major pillar to good health.Here is a question to ponder ……….Sales Performance: Is there a correlation between your Sales KPIs and your health & wellness routine?I say yes.My daily juice cleanse: cucumber, celery,one lemon and an apple.Just 4 ingredients and I get a turbo shot of health and wellness daily.Follow Share blog on Patrick J TierneyNovember 6, 2018Comment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Pinterest0 0 Likes