

Enjoy an Espresso Blog

Enjoy An Espresso Shot of Sales Wisdom!


The Power of Positive Thinking

What we allow ourselves to think about has a major impact on the results we are chasing.

This of course is nothing new.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right - Henry Ford

The Law of Attraction which served as the basis for the best selling book The Secret has become a world wide phenomenon.

We are constantly being reminded by society that if we have a more positive mindset only good things will happen.

As a sales coach I preach the virtues of positive thinking, and how it can have a major impact on your results.

Myth or Science

Try this thought experiment.

Picture the last time you bought a new car, and visualize the model, and color. Do you recall driving on the highway, and suddenly seeing the same model, and color more frequently?

If the answer is yes then one of two things is happening here:

A. It’s a coincidence, and everyone else decided to buy the same model, and color at the same time as you did (not likely).

B. Having just purchased a new car, your brain is now more attuned to notice, and identify cars that are similar to yours.

The right answer is B, and through neuroscience we now have a better understanding of why!

Reticular Activating System

Our brains are equipped with the worlds most powerful data processor known as the Reticular Activating System or RAS for short.

It is estimated that our brain processes 400 billion bits of information per second.

Imagine for one moment if you had to keep track of all that data? It would be virtually impossible. This is where your RAS comes to the rescue.

Our RAS acts as a filter gathering all the data our brain processes every second of every day. Whats left, and what we become aware of are the core pieces of data that supports what we are choosing to focus on.

This is why after booking your vacation you begin to notice your destination highlighted all around you ( you see it in books, magazines, on posters, at restaurants, etc.).

Sell more by being Positive

The next time you are trying to close a sales deal be hyper aware of your default mindset.

If you go into a sales meeting with a mindset of failure, guess what will happen?

Your RAS which acts as a filter will ensure all you notice and subsequently pay attention to are the signs that support a negative outcome.

As a result you will most likely map your behaviors to this predetermined outcome. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

However, if you go into that same sales meeting with a mindset of success guess what will happen?

Now your RAS will filter out everything but for the signs that reinforces a successful outcome.

In other words you will see all the subtle buying signals, map your behaviors to these, and close with confidence.


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