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Enjoy An Espresso Shot of Sales Wisdom!


Two High Gain Questions Every Sales Person Should Be Asking

Cultivating the art of asking better questions will set you apart from the competition. 

Despite the myth, the top sales people are not the slickest or fastest talkers. This might be the case in the movies but not so in real life.

It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” – Eugene Ionesco

The ability to ask high gain/high impact questions will do more for your sales career than any other tactic.

What is the role of any sales person?

In the purest form it is to find out what the other person wants, and then show them how to get it.

In order to do this you need to ask high gain questions.

Here Are Two High Gain Questions You Can Start Asking Immediately


Client: “I have done a lot of research and decided to give your outfit a call. I am looking for the best deal.”

You: “Firstly, thank you for considering us. We have a lot of great competition out in the market place, why did you choose us?”

I love this question.

You build instant credibility by talking up your competition, while getting your client to discuss their reasons for choosing you.

I call this a bridge question.

Now you have the opportunity to validate their answer, while using that as a bridge to discuss your company’s core values and competitive edge.


Client: “I have lots of questions and I am not sure where to start?”

You: “Sure, I am happy to help. What are your top three priorities for today’s call/meeting?”

This might be my favorite question to ask.

The stereotype of a sales person is someone who is a fast talker, who has an agenda, and who will try and push you into buying something you don’t want.

This question will momentarily throw your client off since they are not used to hearing this approach. Your client will be more than happy to list their top priorities and now you can deliver real value by addressing them one by one.

Once you have addressed their top priorities, you will have earned the right to ask for their business.

I Highly Recommend

Before you go into your next sales meeting implement these two questions and watch your sales increase.

Set yourself apart from everyone else by simply asking better questions.


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Patrick J TierneyComment