

Enjoy an Espresso Blog

Enjoy An Espresso Shot of Sales Wisdom!


3 Sales Lessons Brewing French Press Coffee Teaches


My mornings are not complete without a strong cup of black coffee. 

Over the years I have perfected the art of creating the perfect cup of Joe. That’s no easy feat for a coffee perfectionist like me.

I will confess that I went through a rough patch of coffee drinking via a Keurig machine. It seemed so convenient and innocent at the time but who was I kidding?

I had developed a dependence on the Keurig machine for my coffee habit and I was secretly ashamed.

Out of this darkness came the light. I rediscovered the joys of making and drinking French press coffee.

Here are 3 Sales lessons brewing French Press coffee teaches:

1.   Preparation.

When you discover how coffee smells and tastes French Press style your taste buds will never be the same again.

The prep work takes time. You need coffee beans, a coffee grinder, and boiled water.

Going into a sales call or a sales meeting is exactly the same.

You should have done thorough research on your client, their business and know their business needs before you make that first dial.

2.   Process.

A wonderful cloud of coffee infused steam rises as hot water meets the coffee grinds. This delicious aroma helps with the waiting period.

Typically, I like to let the coffee sit for about 10 minutes before pouring a cup.

Process is critical to a Sales Professional.

The top 1% have a deliberate process and routine. They don’t wing it or just hope for the best.

Closing big deals starts at the beginning not at the end.

3.   Pride.

When ten minutes has passed you grab your favorite cup and pour.

The last few drips from the pour create a frothy coffee head, and a sense of pride is inevitable.

That first sip is always the best!

A sense of pride in sales is the ultimate litmus test.

When you feel a sense of pride in your craft you know the fundamentals have been executed.

In the world of sales if pride were an equation it would read: H + I = P.

Honesty + Integrity = Pride.

Now go and enjoy your cup of joe!


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