Understanding Why People Buy is Far More Important Than Knowing How To Sell
Too many sales professionals get caught up in studying the newest, and latest sales methodologies or worse trying to scheme up clever ways to close.
Your time is better spent on studying why people buy vs trying to figure out new ways to sell !
Become a student of psychology, and study what motivates people to take action.
My best recommendation is to start with reading, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini. This book is a fantastic introduction to the psychology behind what motivates people to say yes.
In my sales training I love to ask two questions:
What motivates people to buy?
The desire for Gain: consumers for the most part want personalized value, the best deal, key benefits, etc. These are uncovered during your discovery phase of the sales process.
What motivates people to buy NOW?
Fear of Loss: notice all I have done is add one extra word to the same question. By adding NOW a key insight can be leveraged.
Your ability to highlight scarcity and urgency in a moral and ethical manner will motivate your consumer to take action now!
Nobody wants to be sold, but everybody wants to buy.