

Enjoy an Espresso Blog

Enjoy An Espresso Shot of Sales Wisdom!


A Formula For Sales Success


E=mc2 is arguably the world’s most famous mathematical equation. Einstein with a single formula changed our understanding of the Universe.

What if I told you that an equally groundbreaking formula exists that you can apply in your sales career?

90% of success in Sales is predicated on having the right mindset.

David Goggins, a retired Navy SEAL, talks about why SEAL training has such a high dropout rate.

He points out that in BUD/S ( Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL )training, they build bigger, stronger, and faster quitters. Put another way, while most recruits are obsessed with their physical strength, very few are working on their mental strength.

No matter how physically gifted these recruits are, once their mind gives up, it’s GAME OVER!

Sales isn’t any different:

You can acquire all the relevant knowledge and sales skills, but if your mindset is not sharpened, you will crumble at the first sign of adversity.

In Sales, the common enemy is “rejection”

Jack Canfield co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, came up with a formula based on a core principle from his book, “The Success Principles”

E + R = O


When a major Sales Deal falls through (Event), we become frustrated and angry (Response).

This anger and frustration is then channeled into our next sales opportunity. As a result the chances of closing that second opportunity are greatly diminished (Outcome).

The Event is fixed and cannot be altered or changed. This does not stop the majority of us from playing the blame game. It’s easier to blame the client’s attitude or poor marketing than it is to take full responsibility.

If we want to change the Outcome, the only variable we have control over is our ResponseOur Response is malleable which allows us to course correct.

The next time a Sales deal goes south, instead of getting frustrated, take Jim Rohn’s advice, and become fascinated. Study what worked, what did not work, and make adjustments.

Applying the concept of E+R=O will ensure long-term Sales Success.


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