

Enjoy an Espresso Blog

Enjoy An Espresso Shot of Sales Wisdom!


A Simple Agenda Question that Builds Trust


Building trust on a sales call is the holy grail for all rep’s and for good reason I might add.

Without trust, you cannot build a relationship, be credible or expect referral and repeat business.

Here is a simple question to ask at the start of your next conversation:

John, can i ask what are your top two or three priorities that you want me to address in todays conversation?

This is a reframe question that will set you apart from most other reps. You have reframed John’s expectations in a positive way.

John now feels he has call control, and that his top priorities will be addressed.

This in turn gives you the confidence to move the conversation to the next step ( assuming you covered John’s agenda ).

Trust is earned not given!

Patrick J Tierney