

Enjoy an Espresso Blog

Enjoy An Espresso Shot of Sales Wisdom!


It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it

When was the last time you paid attention to your pitch?

Not your sales pitch but the pitch of your voice?

Turns out that the sound of our voice plays a major role in other people’s judgment of our trustworthiness.

Fair or unfair your voice may betray you before you even have an opportunity to build a relationship.

Research shows that first impressions are formed within 500 milliseconds of hearing someone’s voice.

That’s just enough time for you to say “Hello”.

Higher pitched voices for males were associated with been more trustworthy.

While females were viewed as more trustworthy when they alternated their pitch.

Why do we make such judgments so quickly?

From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes perfect sense as our survival was predicated on quickly distinguishing between friend or foe.

Today a sales conversation is not a life-or-death situation but the difference between moving a deal forward or losing it may well be decided at hello.

Practice your intonation with these fun exercises.

Turns out Renee Zellwelleger had it right all along when she proclaimed

you had me at hello


Patrick J Tierney